Who Am I?
I’m from Bogota - Colombia I’m currently living in Medellin. I live with Mia, Oreo, Uncle Bob, Rini and Coby they are my four cats and a 17-year-old dog. —Unfortunately Coby passed away— all of them are adopted!.
I love animals, I volunteer in a beautiful foundation called “La Huella Roja”, which helps stray cats and dogs. Is a hard and yet rewarding task. It is tough to see the bad conditions of animals here, it has been hard to make people conscious about caring of animals, but everyday things are getting better and better. If you wanna know more about this beautiful foundation and donate click here: La Huella Roja Foundation. .
💑 I share my life with my husband, the person that I most love in the world and the smartest person that I’ve ever known. He fits me better than my favorite sweater! (Lana del Rey - Blue jeans 👖). I’m a fashion designer specialized in Fashion consulting, for me working in fashion has been an amazing process of self-discovery.

My Thoughts
I love the fact that fashion gives us the chance to be whatever we want, that’s why I’m passionate about fashion, it gives us identity and makes us more beautiful. I feel identified with people who want to learn about this amazing world in a smarter way, far away from frivolity. I think great people always try to balance looking good and being a nice person. I think they try to pay attention to the details, those details that make our existence happier and interesting. For me finding your personal style and lifestyle is beautiful but sometimes a hard process and this is made from a mix of experiences and knowledge.
I specifically love fashion consulting because is an interesting way to learn about how to be practical in terms of style, and for me, this practicability is given by knowledge. I’m trying to be as practical as I can in terms of the way I dress every day, the way I organize my wardrobe and the way I am.
I pretend to reach people who want to see fashion world from this perspective. I’m trying to change people’s mind regards to fashion and the general perception of it as something frivolous and empty. I believe there are a lot of stupid people in this industry who think that having material stuff is more important than who you really am. I despise how some brands in the fashion industry hurt animals without any necessity. I despise the people in fashion who are always talking about humanity but in the end it’s just a facade. These people suck! 😝

My style
I have a kind of eclectic style, but it tends to be more Hard Edgy,🤘🏽 I love to combine chic, sporty and punk rock garments. I love to wear my Biker Jacket, this garment is kind of a signature of my style, I would wear it every day! is just plain one of the most beautiful clothing designs that man has ever made! I love jackets and even though I live in a warmer climate I love to wear them.
I wear what I love and what I’m comfortable with!. I usually don’t wear too many accessories like earrings or rings, because for me my tattoos are my accessories and I chose them until the day I die. Tattoos are part of my style and I love them.

My music preferences
I like a variety of music genres but the one that has a special place in my heart is metal although I also enjoy listening to Lana del Rey, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato and Lady Gaga. 😄
My hobbies
I love to stare at fashion magazines, I enjoy more looking at them than reading them. I enjoy listening to music while I’m working. I love when my costumers find fashion world fascinating and they change and feel better about themselves. I love philosophy specially Friederich Nietzsche!!! I love him!!!! I love Disney I’m a hard die fan! I love to play video games too. 🎮

Why do I write this blog?
I want to inspire women that see fashion as a terrible foe I want them to see it as their best ally. I know from my personal experience how hard it’s to feel like you’re not yourself in the clothes you wear, feel ugly, and that you don’t have any style.
I want you that every day when you dress you can show to the world the beautiful woman you are inside and outside!
That’s my goal in life, to help you discover the Fashionista you have inside!
I hope you enjoy it! 😄