I used to be an introverted person, I didn’t pay enough attention to my personal appearance and didn’t think that image was something important. I wore men’s clothing, like huge denim pants, DC sneakers, t-shirts, hoodies, and a cologne that I “borrowed” from my father. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think that having a “Tomboy” look is something bad, it’s just that I knew that deep inside I needed something more to feel good about myself, and the style that I had at that time reflected that I felt uncomfortable with myself and the image I was projecting.
How my inspirational divas helped me
All of that discomfort changed over time; making some adjustments to my appearance. One of those changes that was extremely important to me, was the first time I decided to wear a red lipstick. I always thought I would never use a red lipstick, because I’m a brunette girl and believed that red lipstick was meant only for girls with fair skin. I remember when I was young I used to look at Bettie Page and Marilyn Monroe photos. I stared at them and felt how powerful, attractive and sexy they looked with their lipsticks, and I wondered if one day I could wear it too.

The best things in life come once you take the first step
An unexpected day came, when I said to myself, “I’m not sure about buying a red lipstick, but f**k it! Let’s do this! The worst thing that could happen is that I don’t feel good wearing it and can throw it away; I can hate it or love it– let’s see what happens!” So, I decided to buy my first Russian Red Matte Lipstick from MAC Cosmetics. —Recently, I discovered that MAC tests on animals, so I stopped using it, and I’ve replaced it with animal cruelty-free makeup like NYX and Kat Von D beauty —. The first time I wore it, I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I felt amazing! My teeth glowed and shined, and my skin looked beautiful. I had the same sensation as when you wear a pair of stilettos and you feel like the queen of the world; I gained such confidence, that I thought I was capable of doing anything! Maybe some of you think that’s a stupid thing or an insignificant feeling, but I don’t know how else to describe the impact that what seems to be such a frivolous thing had on me. It was like I was made for red lipstick, and red lipstick was made for me.

My favorite lipstick shades
One of my favorite shades is Underage Red, L. U. V. – Rich Violet of Kat Von D Beauty, Nudes like London of NYX, and some darker colors like Burgundy reds.

I must confess, Kat Von D Beauty has been a huge discovery for me, since it complements my style perfectly and it defines me… definitely my favorite makeup brand; 100% recommended.

Lipsticks and outfits
In the beginning I was very restrictive when I tried to pair my outfits with the color of my lipstick because I only used it with totally black outfits , but later however, I began to create more bold combinations —although I have to admit, totally black outfits are still my favorite ones — like wearing my red lipstick with a flowered bomber jacket, and even a white blouse.

As I was able to try new outfits and colors with my clothing, every day I gained more confidence; I was able to talk to more people. It’s was as if, at that time, the lipstick was my weapon to conquer the world! I used it like a signature and as a statement to show the world what I was capable of. I was so inspired that I thought about becoming a Fashion Consulting Teacher; and I did it! That was a huge accomplishment for me, because it was something really new to me, and in the beginning, I was really frightened about doing it, but later, when I overcame that fear, I really enjoyed it.
What a lipstick made me do
Using a red lipstick was, for me, like opening a new world of possibilities. It changed my mindset, and was the gate that allowed me to search out new things; to be more open to new ideas that I would have never otherwise thought about. I don’t know if something similar has happened to you, but for me, it was like a revelation– an epiphany of sorts. Maybe you have a pair of stilettos, jacket or dress that make you feel stunning. I don’t know what it could be for you, because it’s a very personal process, but I can assure you that fashion is powerful and definitely makes you feel prettier and more empowered. In my opinion, there’s nothing wrong with using fashion as a way to enhance my happiness!
Most importantly, you can never forget to take care of your inner self too, because how you look is only a small part of you; you need to care about everything! I think I’m still learning to be more beautiful inside, I have many things to change! I’m still being a little bit ugly inside, but it’s a process, and every day, step-by-step, I’m working to improve my inner self.

I don’t know if you agree with me or the intent of this article, or maybe I am the only one in this world who have experienced something like that. If you have had a similar experience it would be awesome to know what was that fashion thing that made you feel empowered, what changed on you? Did you achieve something important? Please feel free to share your experience and let me know in the comments section below.

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