Hi, Bonitas! I hope that you have had a wonderful December! Today I’m super happy writing this article for the end of the year. I’m remembering how beautiful 2018 was, which left me with great teachings in a personal and professional level. I can say that I grew in both aspects and it makes me feel so happy!
To close with a flourish this 2018, my husband and I decided to go on vacations to a picturesque and beautiful department here in Colombia called Boyacá. This is the land where my grandfathers on my dad’s side were born, that’s why I have a special feeling for this place.
Many years ago I had the opportunity to live in Iza- Boyacá, and I fell in love with the weather, arquitecture, landscapes, and flowers. I just plain love Boyacá!
One of our stops in Boyacá was “El Pueblito Boyacense” , which is kind of a mini neighborhood in Duitama, it is about three hours away from Bogotá —Bogotá is the capital city of Colombia—. “El Pueblito Boyacense” has replicas of typical houses of the 7 most beautiful towns in Boyacá. These towns are Mongui, Villa de Leyva, Tibasosa, Tenza, Ráquira, Sáchica, and Cocuy.

Drinking a frappe coffee at Sáchica
In Sáchica we drank a delicious frappe coffee in Macana a coffee shop. Here, we had the opportunity to talk with its owner, a person so passionate for the world of coffee.
I fell in love with these astonishing facades.

The warm and cozy Tenza
It was super hard to take these pics, the sun was so bright!. But I love this weather. I love cold weather with the sun at the same time!.
The Beautiful Tenza facades made me sigh!. I love the trees that are part of the facades, they make these houses look so beautiful and cozy!

I fell in love with Mongui and a furry friend!
In the streets of Mongui, I met this friendly “michico” – michico is a tender way to say kitten in spanish–. I love making new furry friends on the way.
I was totally in love with the breathtaking facades full of flowers! I love them!
Mongui has one of the most beautiful paramos in the world, the Ocetá Paramo. Moreover, this town is known for its high-quality soccer balls. I’ll talk more about Mongui in other post. Don’t miss it!

The colorful Ráquira
Ráquira, is the more colorful pueblito of Boyacá. The Ráquira’s block is cheerful and it has an eye-catching style. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the opportunity to visit the original town, but I hope to visit it one day.

Cocuy and its mint green window frames
This white house with mint green frames represents the architecture of this beautiful town called Cocuy. Here you can find a place called “La Casa del Gato”, where you can buy all kind of handicrafts inspired by our friends: The michicos! If you’re a cat lover like me you must visit this cute place.

Handicrafts and more…
At “El Pueblito Boyacense” you can find different options of restaurants, coffee shops, handicraft shops, hotels, and even a spa. The entrance fee is $1.5 USD approximately.
If you decide to come, and you don’t have enough time to spend in Boyacá, El Pueblito Boyacense is a place you need to visit!
In one of the handicraft shops I bought this cute “pesebre” —manger—. These miniature mangers are totally handmade by women heads of family, and are inspired by different regions of my country like the paisa manger, the boyacense manger, the costeño one, etc… I bought this one as a present for my father.

The moment when this adventure ended…
I enjoyed a lot this experience, and time went by pretty fast!. I would have loved to take more pics with different outfits, but I didn’t have enough time. Maybe I come back in another opportunity to take photos with different outfits in every one of these cute facades.

I hope you liked this post, that I wrote with so much love. I ’d love to know if you have visited any of these towns, or which was your favorite one? Let me know in the comments below!
Share this article if you liked it! Bye, and have a happy new year!!! :D